Cloud computing as evolved to access retrieve and manage information.

      Cloud computing is an area of computing that deals with the sharing of the computing resources instead of the involvement of local servers or the devices to manage the applications. The term cloud refers to the Internet-based computing in which the applications, storage, and servers are delivered to the company's devices and computers through the internet.


There are three kinds and they depend on the services that are being provided to the users or companies.

- Infra-structure as a Service: This type allows the user to buy access to the raw computing hardware over the internet like the storage and the servers. It is referred to as the utility computing since you purchase only what you need and then pay on the periodic basis. The primary example of this kind is the ordinary web hosting where the respective user pays a monthly subscription fee or per storage fee to allow the hosting company to serve the files for the website from the servers.

- Software as a Service: In this service, there is a usage of the entire application that runs on other person's or company's system. The two examples are Google Documents and the Web-based Email respectively. Nowadays, companies are even using Zoho that is helpful in the handling of many office applications as well.

- Platform as a Service: This kind enables the user to create applications by using the web-based tools so that they run the system's hardware and software as provided by the other company. The examples include the e-commerce websites like Google App Engine and

Benefits and Drawbacks


- Different processes and applications get streamlined as more work gets done with less people and in the short time.

- The spending on the technology infrastructure becomes cost-effective as the user only pays on demand to access the information over the weekly, quarterly or yearly basis.

- The organization is can achieve better economies of scale as the productivity increases, and the cost per product, or the project decreases.

- No personal training is required as only a fewer people work on the cloud the chance of any issue or problem is also less.

- A company saves tons of money in minimizing the usage of the new licensed software. It can fulfill its needs without having to purchase costly programs or the software.


- If the organization is using the software as a service, then a high speed and reliable internet are required for the whole time that can be an issue in developing countries.

- If the firm is only purchasing the services, then it will only make use of what the people are offering. This may limit the usage of other solutions that may fulfill the needs at that given time.

- It is costly in the long term since the upfront capital costs become the on-going operating liability for the firm.

Deployment Models

There are three deployment models for cloud computing and they are given as follows;

- Private Cloud: This kind of infrastructure works fully for a single company whether it is hosted internally or externally, or is handled by the third party.

- Public Cloud: This type of the cloud incorporates those services that are provided over the network that can be accessed by the public.

- Hybrid Cloud: The combination of the public and private cloud makes up the hybrid cloud. This allows the firm to manage the dedicated services with the cloud resources.

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