Our lifestyles and diet have a lot more to do with our heart
than the number of years we have lived. Given today's
hectic lifestyles, irregular sleep patterns, unhealthy diet,
high levels of stress and lack of physical activity, no
wonder we hear several young, seemingly healthy
professionals collapsing mid-day due to heart related
factors. Heart disease is no longer an age-related illness.
While we have made considerable advancements in the
field of cardiology, it is not enough for us to leave our
hearts to chance. Several common foods rich in nutrients
can work to help prevent heart illnesses, when consumed
daily and accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. Here are 18
superfoods that'll have your heart going 'Thank You'!
1. Flaxseeds - Loaded with heart-healthy Omega-3 essential
fatty acids, lignans and fibre, flaxseed can be consumed in
the form of ground powder, in baked items, as flax meal
and so on. The Omega-3s work wonders for anti-
inflammation, heartbeat normalization, lowering blood
pressure and controlling cholesterol levels.
2. Chia seeds - High in fibre, Omega-3s and protein, chia
seeds can help lower LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and
inflammation, while increasing heart healthy HDL
3. Whole grains - A diet comprising of whole grains helps in
reducing LDL cholesterol levels. The fibre content in whole
grains helps to lower triglycerides and cholesterol, reduce
blood pressure and regulate blood sugar levels.
4. Puffed-rice/Oatmeal - Puffed-rice is rich in potassium,
zinc, copper, thiamine, niacin, Vitamin B6 pantothenic acid,
iron, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese. If you eat
puffed-rice regularly you don't need to eat Vitamin B
complex supplements. Oats are also known for their high
fibre content, that help remove cholesterol from the
digestive system. The beta-glucan fibre present in oats
lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, thus preventing
plaque build-up in the walls of blood vessels.
5. Broccoli - This non-starchy vegetable helps reduce
cholesterol levels. It contains sulforaphane which has anti-
inflammatory properties and could prevent damage to blood
vessel linings. Its B-complex vitamins work to regulate or
reduce homocysteine levels.
6. Spinach -Loaded with Vitamin C, beta-carotene,
potassium, magnesium and folate, spinach packs the punch
when it comes to cardiovascular health! This green leafy
vegetable works wonders in preventing the build-up of
oxidized cholesterols in blood vessel walls, lowering
homocysteine levels, regulating blood pressure, and
maintaining a healthy heart.
7. Salmon - Another great source of Omega-3 fatty acids,
salmon is also naturally rich in protein, Vitamins B and D.
Consuming this oily fish at least twice a week helps in
regulating blood pressure and reducing the amount of
triglycerides in your system.
8. Sardines - Touted to be one of the richest sources of
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, sardines are also
bursting with the goodness of Vitamin B12. The vitamin
promotes cardiovascular health as it works to keep the
homocysteine levels in check, thereby protecting your
9. Walnuts - This superfood contains the amino acid L-
arginine which helps maintain the elasticity and flexibility of
arterial walls, making them less prone to blood clots and
blockages. They are also rich in unsaturated fats, Omega-3
fatty acids, fibre, Vitamin E and plant sterols.
10. Almonds - These heart-healthy nuts contain high
amounts of monounsaturated fats, Vitamin E, magnesium
and potassium that work to reduce LDL cholesterol levels,
maintain arterial and venal health, foster healthy muscular
contraction and regulate blood pressure.
11. Raisins - Cholesterol and fat free, and rich in
potassium, raisins help in reducing cholesterol oxidation
that could lead to atherosclerosis. They can also help lower
high blood cholesterol triglyceride levels.
12. Apples - The polyphenol antioxidants in this delicious
fruit help in blocking oxidation of LDL cholesterol, thus
reducing the chances of atherosclerosis or hardening of
arteries that can cause stroke.
13. Oranges - These nutrient-rich fruits are loaded with
Vitamin C, folate, potassium, magnesium, phytochemicals,
flavanones, polyphenols and fibre! Oranges help in reducing
oxidation of cholesterol, preventing accumulation of excess
homocysteine, controlling blood pressure and fighting
14. Berries - The phytochemicals, Vitamin C, carotenes,
zinc, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium, fibre and
low sugar content in berries make them heart-friendly
superfoods that you'd love to eat! Berries help in preventing
plaque build-up and promote healthy blood pressure.
15. Avocado - Rich in potassium, consuming avocados can
help normalize blood pressure. They also contain mono and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, that can help reduce LDL levels
and decrease the risk of heart diseases.
16. Dark chocolate - Higher cocoa content in dark
chocolate translates into higher flavonoid levels; flavonoids
help in lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation
to the brain and heart, preventing blood clots and fighting
damage to cells.
17. Green tea - The EGCG in green tea is known for its
anti-oxidant properties which help in improving blood flow,
lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and protecting
against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol particles that can
cause atherosclerosis.
18. Olive oil - MUFAs or monounsaturated fatty acids found
in olive oil are dietary fats; these make olive oil healthy for
cardiovascular functioning when used instead of other fatty
foods and oil sources.
These 18 superfoods are all packed with beneficial
nutrients for the healthy functioning of your heart.
However, just these foods are not enough. A well-balanced
meal coupled with regular physical activity, regulated sleep
cycle and reduced levels of stress are all integral for the
promotion of cardiovascular health and ultimately a long
and healthy life.
Independent Blogger, Environmentalist, Organic Food
Enthusiast, Organic Products Researcher. I am looking
forward to share my knowledge, gain new knowledge and
share a positive vibe to this world.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/
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